
BioWare’s Shadow Realms – Fire

Fluid simulated Firenado to be exact!

Being a huge fan of BioWare’s line of games both past and present, we jumped at the opportunity when gNet out in Los Angeles mentioned a live action trailer they were producing for a new BioWare property.

Out of 4 new trailers that were coming out, one stood out that was a perfect match for our skill set.  Our role was to create a photo-realistic Firenado from genesis to full power.  Adding to the realism involved a complex interaction with both the character and 2 cars that were to be totaled by the violence of the full powered Firenado.

Watch our VFX breakdown above to see how we used the lovely footage provided by gNet and added the CG elements to blend with the environment.

See the final spot here colour corrected and ready for youtube.